The type of sources I used for my Iran Topic report were all from the internet. Both online web pages with multiple author.
In MLA style, the works-cited page is double spaced, with the same spacing within and between citations.Order
Citations beginning with names and those beginning with titles are to be alphabetized together. Numbers in titles are treated as though they have been spelled out. For names, alphabetize based on the letters that come before the comma separating the last name from the first, and disregard any spaces or other punctuation in the last name. For titles, ignore articles such as "a" and "the" (and equivalents in other languages) for alphabetization purposes.What to include
The title "Works Cited" indicates that the list you provide contains only the works you actually cite in your paper. If you wish to also include in your list works that you consult but do not cite, give your page the broader title "Works Consulted."This information truly helped me understand how to do a works-cited page. I never really had to do one in high school and this really helped. Reading the sources and telling me how to type up a works-cited page is really nice because no one ever really taught me. This supports Library 10 by telling us how to type up the information we find inside the Library.
2nd quarter blog score:7